
How Do You Know If Your Chanel Handbag Is Authentic?-Luxury Watches

Chanel is a prominent Parisian fashion house specializing in luxury goods. Its classic signature Chanel logo, an interlocking double-C (one facing forwards and the other facing backwards) is widely popular all over the globe. No other than the enthusiasm for design, Chanel created such a classical brand that can liberate women s traditional thinkings.

While you have to spend much money on single Chanel bag, thus replica has become a great business now. If you own a Chanel handbag now, just ask a question: is it really worth your money I know everybody hates being misguide, so its necessary to offer useful information about tell the replica handbags from authentic ones.

First, take special care to its leather material. As far as I concerned, most Chanel bags are made of fine lambskin leather, featuring dark and soft, even have a special smell of genuine leather.

Check the logo. The Chanel logo is comprised of two interlocking C letters that face away from each other. The top of the right-facing C should bisect the top of the left-facing C. Some vintage bags exist that have a reverse overlap located on the interior flap. (This rule is for handbags only and does not necessarily apply to other items in the Chanel line.)

Look closely at the hardware on the strap of the bag. The Chanel name or logo should be engraved on the strap s hardware. If an engraving is missing, chances are the bag is a replica. Besides, Examine both sides of any zipper pull hardware. One side is engraved Chanel and the other is engraved with the Chanel logo. The pull itself must match the rest of the bag s hardware in color and tone.

Serial Number
Locate the serial number. There must be a serial number placed somewhere within the bag s interior. Prior to the late 1990s, the serial number was printed on a white sticker with the Chanel logo printed in gold across the background. From the late 1990s to the present, the serial number has been printed on a white sticker beneath 2 gold Chanel logos. The serial number is most often located inside the bag at the lower left corner or on the zipper pocket.

verify replica Chanel
At last, please remember that Chanel goods can only be bought from the boutiques and designated outlets. Chanel do not sell their merchandise on the internet (except for the make up, skin care, and perfume site in the USA). If it is sold elsewhere on the internet, they are not a legal supplier.

How Do You Know If Your Chanel Handbag Is Authentic?

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