
Network-marketing-seven Deadly Mistakes Most People Make-Replica Watches

There Are 175,000 people that will join the Network Marketing Industry next week alone and only 3% of them will make it.

Hard To Believe Isnt it Why only three percent Well, I am going to go over the 7 deadly sins most people commit in the industry and you will see why.

Your going to get an indepth look at the problems most network marketers face as well as the solutions so go grab your favorite beverage, sit back and relax.

Yelling Way To Loud

Imagine Your smack dab in the middle of Times Square and you look up. There is a guy standing on top of one of the Conde Nast Building. With a pair of binoculars you look up at him and it seems he is yelling at the top of his lungs but you cant hear a word because he is 47 stories up.

This is how 97% of the people on the Internet are.They pitch their business everywhere they go. They stick out like a sore thumb. There are many of them out there and because they are all yelling so loud, no one can hear a word they are saying. In other words they get tuned out and are drowned out by everyone else screaming just as loud as they are. Not a very social occasion.

The Net is a big social party. Especially the social networks like Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Youtube. When folks show up at this internet social fiasco, they want to have fun.

I hope your still with me. I will get to the point in just a moment. Along comes the party crasher and he wants to tell you how great of a business he has. He is talking about the opportunity to become wealthy and quit your job all within a few months. Ok. that is exadurated a little but you get the point.

Does this sound normal for a party No. This guy is crashing it. Who goes to a party and talks to everyone about his business and how everyone needs to get in. This is a common occurance on the internet. Folks pitching their business opportunity like it's the last way on earth to make money, please. Quick way to turn people off.

Ok, the moral is, turn it down a notch and stop yelling.

Faking It

All too often people think that they have to become someone that they are not when they first get started in business. They think it s about driving expensive cars, wearing nice watches, big homes and fast boats.

Let me give you a hint. You need none of those to become successful. You dont need to have to attract, you need to be. People are not attracted to things, people are attracted to people. The folks that are at first attracted to quick money are not who your looking for. They fizzle out quick because they have the mentality that they will get something for nothing.

Learn to be yourself. You have qualities that I don t have that people will be attracted to. Everyone has a story that someone can relate to.

Lack Of Capital

I don t know where people get the idea that they get started in a network marketing business and six months down the road, they are not making any money and think something is wrong. You can get started in network marketing for between $30 and $30,000, it all depends on how high a game you want to play.

The sad fact is, most don t take it seriously unless they have skin in the game. Even at the minimal entry fee, people think that Ben Franklins are just going to show up on their door step just because they are in business. It takes money to make money. Your going to have to invest in your education, marketing and systems to run your business.

The MLM and Network Marketing Industry sometimes attracts some pretty funny people. It appeals to many because they can get started cheaply. The fact is, most dont have the capital to build a successful business and instead of re-investing their earnings back into their marketing efforts, they spend it on frivilous things. This is why people cant get any momentum enough to spring their business into the twilight zone.


With more than 60 percent of our population being overweight, I would have to say that people are lazy. This spills over into peoples work ethic and everything else they do. I see alot of people with a lottery mentality. They think that success is going to show up on their doorstep. In the world of network marketing, if you don t work, you dont eat.

It s not a business for lazy people. The competition is fierce and there is always someone looking to take your future business. So putdown that cheese pizza and a diet coke and fire up your business.


Back in high school I used to smoke cigarettes. Guess who I hung out with during lunch time. You got it, other smokers. I realized that I would become who I associated myself with so as I got older and wiser, I changed my association. I wanted to surround myself with people who were way more successful than I was and who were living a life of significance. There is a difference between success and significance.

When you hang out with ditch diggers chances are, you will become a ditch digger. Try hanging out with some very successful, wealthy and influencial people. They will make you want to be a better you. In time, you will have what they have, only if you are willing to receiving it.


One of the most untold secrets in network marketing is education. People have it all backwards. I thought I had it all figured out when I First got started in the network marketing industry. I was college educated, I was a General Manager of a Marriott hotel and I thought I knew everything about business.

The fact was, I knew nothing about marketing anything other than hotel rooms and food. I knew nothing about Internet Marketing or product marketing for that matter. When my warm market dried up, my business dried up. Why I had no clue how to market.

It wasn t until I learned how to blog, write articles, use Google Adwords, Bing, Yahoo and use banner ads, that I turned a corner in my network marketing business. I spent thousands of dollars on e-books and courses to learn the skills necessary to make a full time living online. Your number one priority should be education. You cant cheat your way to becoming a top earning Internet Marketer. You have to earn it.

Not Quitting

I see it all too often. People get in and people get out. For some reasons people have unrealistic expectations in the network marketing industry. Why is it that when someone buys a franchise, it s ok to lose money or break even in the first year in business. But oh, no. People get started in network marketing they think that after month 4 they should be making $10K a month.

It s because of all of the hype behind most companies. They boast about the top of their compensation plan to show you what is possible. Like I said before, the chances of them making it are 3%. So when the going gets tough, people quit. Why They were building it for the wrong reasons or it just got too hard.

You have to decide that this is what your going to do with your life. Close the back door of retreat and you will be forced to move forward. That is called burning the bridges.

If you want to make it at anything in life, you cant be a quitter. Do you ever make it to the top quitting your job Well then why should it be different anywhere else.

Network-marketing-seven Deadly Mistakes Most People Make

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