
干货| Amazon亚马逊侵权申诉全流程+模板

干货| Amazon亚马逊侵权申诉全流程+模板

到邮件后不需慌乱, 认真仔细看好邮件中提到的每一个关键: 

1. ASIN号    



4. 官方意见 

大多数情况下,官方给的意见都是 Please work directly with the rights owner to resolve this matter, 让我们自行联系投诉方解决这件投诉案件。

以下模板均为参考,方法不是万能的,希望可以带给大家一些借鉴和灵感, 可以根据具体情况找到适合自己的申诉方式。


Part 1. 收到投诉邮件莫惊慌


Part 2. 分析自己是否存在侵权

首先,不要因为对方说侵权了, 就认为自己必定是侵权了, 如今的商场如战场, 有许多的恶意竞争对手会恶意投诉!自己得有一个分析, 重新审视一下自己的产品, 自己的Listing是否有侵权行为。若投诉邮件中已有侵权原因, 例如, 已告知侵犯了对方的商标权, 对方上商标名是XXX, 对方商标注册号是XXXX,  则可以直接进入商标局官网进行查询核对是否真实存在此商标, 对方注册商标类别是否符合被投诉的产品类别,  如对方用一个25类(服装类)商标投诉你卖的电子产品, 那是不成立的, 商标是有分类保护的。如对方用中国商标投诉你在亚马逊美国站的销售,那也是不成立的,商标是地域性保护的。若投诉邮件中并无提及侵权具体原因,那么也可以先自行初步做一个判断, 自己是否真实侵权。首先,listing描述中是否含有其他人的商标?图片上的产品的商标和文字是否含有他人的商标?其次,若产品图为网上下载,该图片是否侵犯版权?此外,该产品是否拥有发明和外观专利保护?商标、专利、版权都可以点击《中美欧商标专利版权查询流程大详解》进行学习查询。

Part 3.  处理并回复邮件

若投诉邮件中并无提及侵权具体原因,  那么, 首先你要做的事便是按照Amazon官方要求-先联系投诉方,并抄送Amazon官方,  要求对方告知侵权原由, 并进行友好协商。


Dear Sirs,I am XXXX, Amazon seller of the ASIN: XXXXXXXXXX. We are informed that this product infringes your design patent (copyright/ invention patent).First of all, I apologize if we infringed your right . When we received the infringement notice, we immediately remove the listing and we will not sell the product of your design. And we sincerely hope to solve this in an amicable way. Now our store have been blocked by Amazon because we infringes your design patent. We hope you can understand that we do not know this product has a design patent. If we know, we would not do that. And now Amazon will not unblock our store until you remove the complain. We are a seller of good faith, and we hope you can remove your complaint later. We promise we carefully check all our products before selling, and won't make the same mistake again.We are waiting for your soon reply.Sincerely,XXXXXX (署名)On behalf of XXXX(店铺名)联系后, 对方若不予以回应, 那就多联系几次, 每天联系一次,  并保留联系邮件证据, 表明我们是积极主动并十分诚恳地处理此案件的态度。如果多次联系后仍然无果, 那么便可以带着已多次联系投诉方无果的邮件证据,  再次向Amazon发送邮件,表明我们根据分析,并无侵权行为, 并且在多次联系投诉方后,对方不予以回应, 我们是十分尊重知识产权的, 我们有自己的商标与专利, 我们的商标号是:XXXX,我们的专利号是:XXXX, 如果我们侵权了,我们会十分主动积极地去处理, 但是若我们并无侵权,我们也不接受不合理的处罚。联系邮件模板如下:Dear Amazon seller support team,We got a infringement notice on xxxxxx(日期), the ASIN: xxxxxxxxx, and we have contacted the holder immediately, but several days passed, we have sent e-mails to the complainant for many times, but no reply from them.For the ASIN: xxxxxxxx, we sold under our own brand: XXXX (REG. NO. XXXXXXX), besides, we are sure that the pictures of the listing are ours. If the complainant has a design or invention patent, we hope you can tell us the detail information about that. We fully respect all the property intellectual rights, but now no one is sure that we have infringed the complainant's IP right and our listing was removed and the store was blocked because of such a unreasonable complain. It is so unfair for us. Here we sincerely hope Amazon can contact the complainant and require them to reply our e-mail, or let them provide their intellectual property right information. And if the complainant did not offer any active intellectual property right proof, we hope Amazon can unblock our store.Look forward to your reply soon.Sincerely,XXX (署名)On behalf of XXXX(店铺名)

Part 4.  确认侵权原由并进行申诉

在确认侵权原由后,且判断我们是真实存在侵权行为,那么我们要开始重新审视自己所有的Listing是否还存在类似侵权可能性, 把存在侵权可能性的Listing都进行下架处理后,再写邮件给亚马逊进行申诉,申诉态度需要诚恳,表明自己是个菜鸟,并且下不为例,不会再犯以及后续的改善方案等等。

申诉邮件模板如下:Dear Amazon,Thank you very much for giving me a chance to appeal the removal of our Amazon selling privileges .Please see our following information.Our selling privileges has been removed by Amazon on XXXXX(日期), for some of our listings violated related Amazon policies,especially infringed intellectual property rights.First we apologize for our wrong behaviour. We will carefully read related Amazon policies before we build new listings, and we will not sell any products that infringe other intellectual property right.We are new seller on Amazon, but we hope we can have chance to provide selling service on Amazon, we will do our best to be a good faith seller.We hope Amazon can give me a chance again. If there's any other information you need, please feel free to contact us.Look forward to your reply soon.Sincerely,XXX (署名)On behalf of XXXX(店铺名)若并不存在侵权行为, 那么我们便要据理力争了, 通过分析对方的投诉邮件,投诉原因, 分析我们并不侵权的证据,并提交给Amazon官方,态度可以强硬一点,但是不要过多的专业术语,Amazon毕竟不是专业的知识产权审判机构,过多的专业术语会让Amazon无法理解, 并且让你继续和投诉方联系。申诉邮件模板如下:Dear Amazon seller support team,We got a infringement notice on xxxxxx(日期), the ASIN: xxxxxxxxx, and we have contacted the holder immediately, but several days passed, we have sent e-mails to the complainant for many times, but no reply from them. Seen the attachments, proof of our contacting records with the complainant.For the ASIN: xxxxxxxx, we sold under our own brand: XXXX (REG. NO. XXXXXXX). Besides, we are sure that the pictures of the listing are ours. Furthermore, we have design patent as well, its design patent number is xxxxxxx. And we attach our trademark and design patent certificates.We trust ourselves did not infringe any one's IP right, and the complain is unreasonable, we hope Amazon can recover our Amazon selling privileges immediately.If there's any other information you need, please feel free to contact us.Look forward to your reply soon.Sincerely,XXX (署名)On behalf of XXXX(店铺名)收到投诉并不可怕, 积极处理才是正道。  希望我们的一些建议与意见能给到你新的灵感与好的借鉴!如果有特殊情况也可以让我们的顾问给你分析分析哦!GOOD LUCK



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干货| Amazon亚马逊侵权申诉全流程+模板


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